Q1: Does Bison exclusively utilize Bitcoin for its operations?

A1: Bison is built on the premise that Bitcoin provides unparalleled security and stability. By leveraging Bitcoin's robust infrastructure, Bison ensures that it operates within the most secure blockchain environment available. Although smart contract functionality is more readily accessible via blockchains like Ethereum, Bison's commitment to Bitcoin stems from a strategic belief in Bitcoin's long-term viability as the foundational blockchain.

Q2: Is it possible for Bison to reconstruct its entire system from Bitcoin's blockchain data in the event of a total data loss at the L2 nodes?

A2: Yes, Bison's design includes robust data recovery capabilities that align with essential Layer 2 features. By inscribing all necessary data onto the Bitcoin blockchain using Ordinals, Bison ensures that its system can be fully reconstructed from Bitcoin's immutable ledger. This design has been thoroughly tested on testnets to ensure reliability.

Q3: Does bridging assets to Bison compromise the trustless nature of the system?

A3: Bison's trustless environment is maintained through a 2/2 Discreet Log Contract (DLC) structure. This setup requires mutual agreement for asset movement, meaning that Bison cannot unilaterally transfer or access your assets without your explicit authorization. This ensures a secure and permissioned interaction with the Bison network.

Q4: Which proof systems are employed by Bison to ensure security and integrity?

A4: Bison utilizes Winterfell and Giza, which are part of the family of open-source STARK proof systems, recognized for their security and scalability. The Bison team is also closely monitoring developments like Starkware's STONE proof system for potential future integration, which could further enhance Bison's capabilities.

Q5: What types of wallets are supported for use with Bison?

A5: Bison aims to be compatible with a wide array of Bitcoin wallets, specifically those supporting the BIP-322 standard, which enables verifiable signed messages. This decision is left to the discretion of developers to ensure the broadest possible support and accessibility.

Q6: Is there a plan for Bison to implement a virtual machine, similar to those found in other blockchain systems?

A6: Bison has strategic plans to incorporate a Cairo VM, which will allow Bison to leverage StarkWare's established infrastructure for ZK-STARK proofs. By integrating a virtual machine, Bison can enhance its network's functionality and benefit from the experience gleaned from StarkNet's operations.

Q7: Given that Bitcoin does not support smart contracts, how does Bison validate zero-knowledge proofs?

A7: Bison circumvents Bitcoin's lack of smart contract support by using a "sovereign style" approach. Before engaging with Bison, each user verifies the network's current state to ensure its integrity and the trustlessness of their transactions. This method allows users to interact confidently with Bison's services.

Q8: What measures are in place if Bison were to provide a false zk-proof?

A8: Bison has a robust contingency plan in place for the unlikely event of providing false zk-proofs. The network allows users to report any inconsistencies, and if a significant portion of the network's users flag the network as untrustworthy, Bison will initiate a rollback to a previous, verified state to maintain the integrity of the system.

Q9: Can users bridge other assets such as Ordinals/BRC-20/PIPE using the same design principles as the Bison Bitcoin Bridge?

A9: Bison's bridging mechanism is designed to be versatile and can accommodate a variety of assets, including Ordinals, BRC-20, and UTXO-based assets like PIPE and RUNE. This is because these assets share a common structural foundation with Bitcoin, allowing Bison to extend its trustless bridging capabilities to them.

Q10: How does Bitcoin's block size limit impact Bison's operations?

A10: Bitcoin's block size does impose certain limitations on Bison's operations; however, Bison mitigates these effects through the use of ZK-STARKs, which scale logarithmically with the number of transactions. Ongoing research and experimentation aim to further reduce any potential impact on Bison's efficiency.

Q11: What is the frequency with which Bison anchors data back to the Bitcoin blockchain?

A11: The frequency of Bison's data anchoring to Bitcoin is not fixed; it's a dynamic parameter that adapts to the network's conditions. The anchoring occurs when token contracts accumulate enough Bitcoin to justify the operation or when users opt to pay higher fees for increased security. This ensures Bison remains flexible and responsive to user demand and network traffic.

Q12: Does Bison's operation necessitate a soft fork in the Bitcoin network?

A12: No, Bison's functionality is achieved without any alterations to the current Bitcoin core protocol. The platform's sovereign design allows it to operate independently while still interfacing seamlessly with Bitcoin.

Q13: Is it currently possible to build applications or services on top of Bison?

A13: Developers are encouraged to start creating on Bison now, utilizing the provided APIs. Bison is open to collaborations and is keen to expand its API offerings based on developer feedback and requests, reflecting a commitment to fostering a vibrant developer ecosystem.

Last updated